Chú thích Bá_Dương

  1. The character is traditionally pronounced "Bó". In modern standard Mandarin, some authorities favour the view that it is pronounced as "Bó" except when used to mean "cypress tree", when it is pronounced "Bǎi": see "柏", 《实用汉字字典》,上海辞书出版社 (Practical Chinese Character Dictionary, Shanghai Literary Press); "柏",《辞海》,上海辞书出版社 1999 (Cihai, Shanghai Literary Press), while other authorities favour the view that 柏 is pronounced as "Bǎi" when used as a surname, see, e.g., Xinhua Zidian 10th edition, p.11, Commercial Press 2004, ISBN 7-100-03931-2, and Modern Chinese Dictionary (现代汉语词典) 5th edition, p.30, Commercial Press 2005, ISBN 7-100-04385-9). Bo Yang himself always pronounced it as "Bo".
  2. 台灣著名作家柏楊因病逝世. BBC News Online (Chinese). 29 tháng 4 năm 2008. Truy cập 30 tháng 4 năm 2008. (tiếng Trung)
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